Spotlight our Members - Ashurst

By BCC Secretariat for British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg, June 06 2024
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Julien Arnaud, Office Managing Partner, Ashurst


Our questions to Ashurst:

What motivated you to join the British Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg?

“There are many reasons we were motivated to join the BCC, from the wide range of players the club brings together, to the synergies between our own areas of focus and that of the BCC. We are very much looking forward to getting involved in the many high-level networking opportunities, making new connections and discussing the latest hot topics.”

What is the hottest topic in your business right now?

“From talking to clients we know that a number of trends are particularly on their mind as they think about the years ahead: digitalisation, the energy transition, the evolution in the way we live and work, and changing global dynamics. Of these, digitalisation and the energy transition are having the clearest impact for our clients across the region.”

What is the best piece of business advice you have received?

“There is no problem, only solutions”: One of our key driver at Ashurst, and something for which we are praised for, is to think differently in order to deliver bespoke, longstanding and business-oriented solutions to our clients. To that end, this piece of advice has continuously been underlying my interactions with our clients, always bearing in mind that any legal advice is there to support business needs.


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