BCC We want you to get involved

By BCC Secretariat, February 09 2023
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As members of the British Chamber for Luxembourg, you can connect with fellow members and also become engaged in the planning and creation of new events. By joining subgroups, participating in event planning, and taking on leadership roles, we can continue to create a vibrant and dynamic community that benefits everyone.

One of the most effective ways to connect with other members is by joining one of our subgroups. These groups are focused on specific industries or interests, and provide a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re interested in networking or exploring a particular industry, there’s a subgroup that’s right for you.

You can continue to engage with the chamber by getting involved in the planning and running of events. Whether it’s by volunteering to help with event logistics, providing input on event themes and activities, or even taking on a leadership role, every bit of participation helps to create a more dynamic and engaging experience for all members.

We also encourage our members to take advantage of the opportunity to network and connect with other members. By attending events and participating in subgroups, members can make valuable connections that can benefit their business or personal endeavours.

In order to continue to grow and thrive as a chamber, it is essential that all members get involved and take an active role in shaping the direction and activities of the organization. We encourage you to explore the different ways to get involved with the chamber and take advantage of the many benefits that come with being an active member.

Whether you’re a long-time member or new to the chamber, there are many opportunities to connect and become more engaged. We look forward to seeing you at our next event and hope that you will take the time to explore the different ways to get involved with the British Chamber of Luxembourg.

For further information, ideas or questions, please contact: Rebecca Kellagher rebecca.kellagher@bcc.lu

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