BCC: “Sustainability Enablers in Luxembourg”

By BCC Secretariat for British Chamber of Comemrce for Luxembourg, October 15 2024
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BCC: “Sustainability Enablers in Luxembourg”

British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg – Sustainability Group

“Sustainability Enablers in Luxembourg” held on 25 September 2024 at the premises of Elvinger Hoss Prussen in Ville-Haute, Luxembourg.

The British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg’s Sustainability Group held an event “Sustainability Enablers in Luxembourg” on the evening of 25 September 2024, kindly hosted by Elvinger Hoss Prussen (EHP) at their premises.

The aim of the event was to facilitate connections between sustainability enablers in Luxembourg and companies seeking support and inspiration for their sustainability journeys.

The evening began with a warm welcome from Thomas Göricke, Partner at EHP, who highlighted the firm’s commitment to sustainability. He was supported by his colleague, Jeanne Mocellin, ESG Coordinator and Human Resources Officer at EHP.

Following this, presentations from Luxinnovation provided valuable insights. Jean-Claude Backendorf, Project Manager for Flagship Projects at Luxinnovation, gave participants a comprehensive overview of Luxinnovation’s services and support mechanisms that help companies succeed in their sustainable transitions. Julie Gaspar, Market Intelligence Analyst at Luxinnovation, presented Luxinnovation’s mapping of sustainability enablers that can help companies innovate to become more sustainable. She demonstrated practical applications of the mapping and explained how companies can engage with mapped providers to work on sustainability solutions.

This was followed by a series of engaging presentations from ESG practitioners, who shared their valuable insights on current trends and future directions in sustainability.

Claude Maak shared experiences from GRADEL’s sustainability journey. GRADEL is a Luxembourg-based company specializing in the design and production of special-purpose machines for the nuclear, space, and general industries.

Christelle Vergnat and Thierry Girot then introduced the Sustainable Composite Materials and Manufacturing Innovation Centre (SCMM), part of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). Launched in December 2022, SCMM aims to develop sustainable and ultra-lightweight composite materials for various mobility applications, including rail, space, aeronautics, and urban air mobility. The centre has also collaborated with GRADEL on sustainable solutions.

Dirk Knäpper provided an overview of REMONDIS Luxembourg’s activities. REMONDIS Luxembourg is a branch of REMONDIS, one of the world’s largest companies specializing in recycling, services, and water management. REMONDIS Luxembourg is involved in initiatives like SuperDrecksKëscht®, which supports sustainable development in the country.

The event concluded with a networking session, where attendees had the opportunity to discuss the topics further over drinks and nibbles. This provided a perfect setting for members and guests to connect, share ideas, and explore potential collaborations.

Presentations: BCC Presentations Luxinnovation & BCC Success Stories Gradel, SCMM & Rimondis

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