Spotlight our Members - IQEQ

By BCC Secretariat for British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg, June 03 2024
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From left to right: Emma Causevic (Director Business Development, Luxembourg) and Ajit Singh Rai (Client Relationship Director & Board Director – Corporate & Institutional Clients Luxembourg)


Our questions to IQEQ:

What motivated you to join the British Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg?

We joined the British Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg to share knowledge and stay updated on the economic trends and policies in Luxembourg and UK. Additionally, we’re motivated to foster collaborations between British and Luxembourg businesses, access resources and support services offered by the chamber, and contribute to the vibrant international business community in Luxembourg. We’re located in 25 jurisdictions around the world, including our offices in the UK and headquarters in Luxembourg, and as a global business it’s essential for us to stay on top of market trends for our clients. Building connections within our network is very important to us.

What is the hottest topic in your business right now?

Some of the hottest business topics include sustainability, ESG, digital transformation and innovation (tokenisation of assets), plus the integration of artificial intelligence. We’re constantly reinventing and strengthening our service offerings based on client feedback, and these are the topics our clients approach us about the most. Our recent report on digital adoption in private equity revealed that 96% of private equity firms see technology as a value-creation lever, and 36% of respondents face increased pressure from investors to invest in technology. Despite this, only 13% of respondents said their current data practices are highly effective. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, firms need to address their digital gap, and we’re happy to support them in this area.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received?

Good relationship management is built on several key pillars, with transparency being a fundamental element. Transparency cultivates trust by providing open and honest communication, ensuring that all parties involved have a clear understanding of expectations, objectives, and potential challenges. Additionally, active listening, empathy, and responsiveness are crucial for understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of clients and key stakeholders. At IQ-EQ, we take pride in being authentic partners to our clients.


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